Each bundle contains one of each title: Embracing the Tension: Moral Growth in Friends High Schools, Schooled in Diversity Action Research: Student and African-American Alumni Collaboration for School Change, Schooled in Diversity: Readings on Racial Diversity in Friends Schools, Who Needs Integration? Can Quaker education cope with the hip-hop challenge?
Embracing the Tension: Moral Growth in Friends High School
Tyson-Mason Paper, 2000
by Friends Council on Education’s Moral Growth Study Team
Results from a four-year study of the moral growth of adolescents in Friends upper schools. Findings from the study include the importance of such factors as established processes to deal with conflict, avenues which encourage student voice, meeting for worship, and the role of adult leadership in facilitating moral growth in students.
Schooled in Diversity: Readings on Racial Diversity in Friends Schools
Tyson-Mason Paper, 2001
Pat Macpherson, Irene McHenry, and Sarah Sweeney-Denham, Editors
A collection of essays, research examples, case studies, and queries, exploring and urging the continuing work toward multicultural change in Friends schools. This book offers frameworks for understanding the issues that arise amid multicultural change and powerful accounts of the process in Friends schools.
Schooled in Diversity Action Research: Student and African-American Alumni Collaboration for School Change
Tyson-Mason Paper, 2005-2006
Pat Macpherson, Action Research Coordinator
Darryl J. Ford, Editor
Prepared for publication by Irene McHenry, Sarah Sweeney-Denham, Nancy Adess
This volume includes analysis of multicultural change as recounted through alumni interviews from two Quaker schools in the first fifty years since desegregation. In addition, Guidelines to engage in action research around racial change in other school communities are provided for teachers and administrators. This publication serves as a companion to the Council’s Schooled in Diversity: Readings on Racial Diversity in Friends Schools.
Who Needs Integration? Can Quaker education cope with the hip-hop challenge?
A collection of essays, research examples, case studies, and queries, exploring and urging the continuing work toward multicultural change in Friends schools. This book offers frameworks for understanding the issues that arise amid multicultural change and powerful accounts of the process in Friends schools.